Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sleepy Beauties!!!

The alarms goes off at 5.30 am, 6am, 6.30am and the last one that’s mine at 7 am. The next question that strikes you is: What on earth am I doing with four alarms? Well each of the alarm belongs to each of the four sleeping beauties in my PG room. By the time my alarm gives the final tring and by far the shrillest one we realize its time to move our darned booties. But spoilt as ever that is the last thing in our minds. Though my alarm goes off last I am the first one to wake up. Everyone in the room tries to find an inspiration from me. Its like let Mofi wake up and than I’ll follow.

As soon as my alarm comes to life at 7am, an incessant conflict in my body and mind starts. I feel as the alarm and my mind is conniving against my body to wake me up. Every muscle in my body tells me that I should sleep a little bit more but my mind is nagging me to wake up and rush. I have to reach office by 9am so I go at 8.35 am. Actually I need half an hour more to wake up so if my alarm goes off at 7 that means I will wake up at 7.30.am.

Poor me! Finally when I wake up, totally hazy as if I have fought a war sans the war paint, things are not at all comforting. I see my other roommates sleeping as if the Evil Witch has casted a spell on them to sleep for a 100 years. How I wish that the Evil Witch existed so that she could also cast a spell on me and I could also sleep for a century without growing old. I think its rejuvenating too. Why I feel that? If you recall that ‘Sleeping Beauty’ story, she woke up after 100 years without a wrinkle on her face, or a grey hair in fact a Prince Charming came and kissed her and took her away to live happily ever after.

Well, I don’t dream of such fairytales. But I do have a dreamy secret sweet world. I am the Princess of the kingdom called ‘Mofitude’, where everybody loves me and obeys me too. I have got this swinging white cushiony couch where I crouch like a kitten and sleep. This couch takes me to places. It can be a beach with sand and shady coconut trees, a sunny valley with wild flowers and streams or a manicured garden with birds, butterflies and white rabbits to give me company and watch over me when I am sleeping. Doesn’t it sound like Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer’s night dreams ‘. At least this El Dorado exists in my dreams.

I feel there is something funny with my eyes. On holidays, I tend to wake up early but on working days my pair of eyes is like the doors of Ali Baba’s caves it just won’t open. Sometimes I wish that my roommates should engage in loud snoring but unfortunately none of us snore until and unless we have a lousy cold. In this context, I would like to talk about our previous roommate, who used to snore and fart so loudly that we used to wake up at the dead of night to check if a wounded animal is lurking in our room. Her farts sounded as if an animal is crying in pain. Her stench was so strong that it used to stay till the wee hours of the morning and once it hit our nostrils we can’t help but run for our lives.

But to be honest I was never bothered about sleeping so much. Maybe I am growing old but on a positive note at least I am getting more sleep and I am hopeful that I don’t have to suffer from insomnia and God Forbid take sleeping pills. Hey this post has seeped all my energies. Gotta go for a quick siesta. Goodnight Folks!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Hey Guys!

Guess what today is March 13 and my advent towards the blogging sphere. Too much of nagging and haggling of my friends has paid and now am here. So guys feel free to come and read my blog and be kind enough to post any nonsense u want to.
